
Generate high-quality music with multiple voices, no expertise needed, using AI-powered voice artists, text-to-music, and parody voices.
Music Generation AI-powered Music Tools Audio Editing

Musicfy is an AI-based music generation tool that lets you create high-quality music with a variety of voices. It lets you create music with multiple voices without needing to be a music expert. The tool is geared for musicians, producers, and anyone who wants to spice up their music.

Among its features:

  • AI Voice Artists: Access a library of royalty-free vocals to create a new voice for your tracks.
  • Create Your Own AI: Upload your vocals to create your own AI model that sounds like you.
  • AI Text to Music: Turn your lyrics and emotions into a beautiful song.
  • AI Parody Voices: Remake any song with funny and parody voices.
  • Stem Splitters: Break down any song into individual tracks (drums, vocals, bass, etc.) for easy mixing and editing.
  • Own Original Songs: Create your own songs with the 'Create Your Own Original Songs' feature.
  • Royalty-Free Albums: Build a library of high-quality, royalty-free music tracks for your creative projects.

Musicfy automates the music creation process, saving you time, streamlining collaboration and ensuring everyone is on the same artistic page. You can explore a wide range of genres and take your music creation to the next level with its intuitive interface.

Musicfy offers monthly and annual subscription plans. Here are the options:

  • Starter: $9 per month, 2 custom voices, 500 generations per month, standard speed, standard sound.
  • Professional: $25 per month, 6 custom voices, unlimited generations per month, standard speed, premium sound.
  • Studio: $70 per month, 30 custom voices, unlimited generations per month, fastest speed, premium sound.

Annual plans are available with the same features but at a lower monthly price.

Musicfy is a good option for musicians, producers and anyone else curious about the potential of AI-generated music. By using AI, you can quickly and easily create high-quality music, making it a good option for anyone looking to boost their creative productivity.

Published on June 9, 2024

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