AI or Not is a powerful AI detector that spots AI-created imagery, audio and identity documents. It's good at spotting deepfakes and generative AI, and thus can be useful for thwarting fraud and disinformation. Its detailed detection reports and monitoring dashboard mean identity verification and KYC compliance are more secure.
Another good option is Pixlyze, which is geared specifically to verifying image authenticity with advanced AI processing. That's useful for journalism, photography, social media and education, where high accuracy and fast response are important. Pixlyze is designed to speed up workflows by quickly and automatically vetting visual content.
For a more general-purpose system, DuckDuckGoose offers more advanced AI-based information retrieval technology that can spot deepfakes and other manipulated imagery. That's good for businesses that need to protect against identity theft and reputational damage. It offers explainable results and can handle big data sets, too, so it's a good choice for real-time data analysis and visualization.