If you're in the market for a high-end EEG headset, EMOTIV has a wide range of EEG hardware and software options. It offers wireless EEG headsets with different numbers of channels, including 14, 32 and 5. Its devices are designed to be easy to use, with features like Bluetooth connectivity, long battery life and support for multiple operating systems. The AI-based EMOTIV Pro software lets you design experiments, capture raw EEG data and measure performance metrics, and is good for both personal development and scientific research.
If you're curious about the possibilities of brain-computer interfaces, Neuralink is developing more sophisticated brain interfaces. Its N1 Implant has 1024 electrodes on 64 flexible wires to record neural signals safely and reliably. Although its initial focus is medical, the technology could be used to record high-quality EEG data and analyze it in other contexts. It's still in development, with clinical trials underway and a professional recruitment program.