If you're looking for an AI detector to screen for deepfake images and photos created with large-scale generative AI tools, AI or Not is a good option. The AI detector can spot AI-generated content in images, audio and identity documents, so it's a good option for anyone trying to cut down on fraud and disinformation. It can provide detailed detection reports and a single interface to monitor AI risks, and it has a range of pricing options.
Another powerful option is DuckDuckGoose, which is designed to detect and prevent digital deception, including deepfakes. It has advanced algorithms for detecting deepfakes and offers explainable results with probability scores and activation maps. It's geared for customers like law enforcement, digital identity verification and social media security, and has customizable pricing depending on the volume and type of media.
If you're more focused on audio and video, the Deepfake Detector is a specialized tool that quickly validates the authenticity of audio and video files. It includes audio and video analysis, background noise removal, and an API for easy integration, so it's good for individuals and businesses that could be vulnerable to deepfake fraud. The system has flexible pricing options and dedicated support for integration.
Last, Pixlyze is an AI-based image detection tool that can spot whether an image is real or AI-generated. It has high accuracy and fast response times, and is geared for customers in journalism, photography and marketing who need to ensure the trustworthiness of visual content. It's good for anyone who needs to verify images quickly and accurately.