
Personalize email content with dynamic banners and blocks that update in real-time, delivering fresh, relevant content to each recipient.
Email Personalization Dynamic Content Personalized Marketing

Zembula is a dynamic content tool that can help you personalize email. It lets you add dynamic content to your emails based on the data you already have, so you can better connect with your audience.

Zembula uses two features to do this: Smart Banner™ and Smart Block™. Both update dynamically when the email is opened, so you can deliver fresh content to the recipient. That means you can personalize content for each recipient, so your emails are more relevant and more effective.

Smart Banner™ is a programmatically dynamic banner that can show different content for each recipient based on the Campaign Decision Engine. That's useful for promotional emails, for example, when you want to show different primary CTAs depending on whether people have abandoned their carts, tracked a shipment or done something else.

Smart Block™ is another programmatically dynamic, personalized content block that can show different content for each recipient based on the Campaign Decision Engine. It can include secondary CTAs like loyalty promotions, product recommendations and downloads for mobile apps.

Both Smart Banner™ and Smart Block™ are easy to set up and customize, so you can easily add them to your email templates. Zembula also integrates with many data sources, so you can use your own data to create more sophisticated, dynamic messages.

The results of using Zembula include:

  • 10-17% lift in revenue per email send
  • Better customer experience that leads to higher CLTV
  • Time savings through full automation of personalized content

Zembula also works for multi-channel personalization, letting you control content for email, SMS, push notifications, in-app messages and websites from one platform. That means you can offer a unified, personalized experience for your audience across multiple touchpoints.

Pricing isn't clearly disclosed, but you can contact Zembula through its website to discuss custom plans for your needs. Zembula hopes to make personalized email content more accessible and affordable than ever.

Published on July 3, 2024

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