
Summarize YouTube videos in various formats, translate to multiple languages, and export as PDF, DOCX, or text with customizable video experience.
Video Summarization AI-powered Browser Extension Content Translation

YoutubeDigest is a browser extension that summarizes YouTube videos with ChatGPT AI technology. It's designed to help you get more out of YouTube by saving you time and letting you customize the video experience. You can pick from a variety of formats, like Article, Bullet Points, and others, and you can export summaries as PDF, DOCX or plain text. The extension also can translate the text in various languages, so you can get a summary in your native tongue.

Among its features:

  • Summary formats: Article, Bullet Points and more.
  • Translation: Multiple languages are supported, and you can add your own.
  • Export options: Export as markdown PDF, Docx, text or create a shareable link.

To use YoutubeDigest, you'll need a ChatGPT account. For now, the extension only works with YouTube videos, but other extensions are planned. You can request support for other video sites through the support tab.

Published on June 13, 2024

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