
Offers personalized meditation experiences tailored to individual needs, providing effective and practical mindfulness support through AI-driven on-demand access.
Mental Health Support Personalized Wellness AI-powered Meditation

Vital is an on-demand, personalized mindfulness platform that uses AI technology to offer users meditation and support tailored to their needs. The idea is to help people privately find what works best for them so mindfulness becomes more practical and effective.

Vital has a number of features designed to improve mental health, offering users personalized meditation experiences. It's geared for people who want more personalization in their mindfulness practice, since it's designed to accommodate each person's needs.

Pricing isn't disclosed, so you'll have to check the website or contact Vital to learn more about costs and subscription plans. But for people who want to incorporate AI-powered mindfulness tools into their lives, Vital could be an interesting option.

Published on June 14, 2024

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