If you're looking for a Viam alternative, Motive is a fleet management platform that could be worth a look. It uses AI-powered automation to improve fleet performance, safety, productivity and profitability. It includes modules for driver safety, fleet management, equipment monitoring and spend management, so it's a good fit for companies like construction, logistics and oil and gas.
Another contender is MachineMetrics, which links real-time production and operations data to give factory workers and operations managers useful information. The platform can help you get the most out of your assets, cutting maintenance costs and improving business with machine performance optimization and data-driven decision support, so it's good for factories large or small.
If you need a serious GPS fleet tracking and management system, Geotab is a well-established option. It uses AI and data intelligence to optimize fleet operations, tracking productivity, safety, sustainability and compliance. Its architecture is designed to scale and Geotab can integrate with a wide variety of other systems, so it's good for fleets large or small that want to cut costs and improve operations.
Last, Lytx is an all-purpose fleet management system with hardware, software and APIs. It can help you improve driver safety, efficiency and compliance with video safety and telematics, electronic logging devices and advanced dash cam technology. It's got a lot of experience and some impressive results, so Lytx is a good option for fleets that want to improve their operations in a variety of industries.