
Accelerate ML and LLM development with fast deployment, cost optimization, and simplified workflows, reducing production costs by 30-40%.
Machine Learning Model Management Cloud Cost Optimization Automated Deployment

TrueFoundry is an ML and LLM development platform that cuts deployment time and costs. By using Kubernetes, TrueFoundry lets users train and deploy ML models and LLMs quickly and reliably. The tool is designed to cut production costs by 30-40% and get models into production faster.

TrueFoundry simplifies ML workflows with features like:

  • Faster Deployments: Deploy web services, web apps, and cron-jobs in minutes, not days.
  • Cloud and On-Premise Support: Run TrueFoundry on your own cloud or on-premise infrastructure.
  • Multiple Cloud Account Management: Spread workloads across multiple cloud accounts and manage resources.
  • Best Practices: Includes auto-scaling, monitoring, version control, and CI/CD.
  • Jupyter Notebooks: Collaborate and develop on your own cloud and GPUs.
  • Effortless Model Training: Run training jobs on your cloud accounts and track hyper-parameters and metrics.
  • Model Registry: Store models and metadata for easy comparison between competing models.
  • One-Click Model Deployment: Deploy inference endpoints from registries including HuggingFace.
  • LLM Deployment and Fine-Tuning: Deploy open-source LLMs like Vicuna, FLAN, Dolly, and Alpaca with a single click and finetune them on your dataset.
  • Cost Optimization: Set usage and cost limits at the service, team, and workspace level, reducing cloud costs by up to 70%.
  • Unified Team and Service Management: Manage all teams and workloads across clouds in one centralized location.
  • LLM Playground: A page to try out and compare different LLMs, view metrics, and connect provider accounts.
  • Integrations: Integrates well with existing stacks, such as Tuple.

TrueFoundry offers a centralized platform for complex ML and LLM operations, so data scientists and engineers can focus on delivering value without worrying about infrastructure. The platform is designed to be scalable and reliable, making it suitable for teams and organizations of all sizes.

TrueFoundry is a cost-effective solution, with customers reporting significant cloud cost savings. Pricing details are not disclosed, but the value of the platform comes from its ability to optimize infrastructure costs while improving efficiency and productivity.

Customer testimonials praise TrueFoundry for making ML model deployment easier, reducing costs, and offering good support. The tool is well suited for companies that want to speed up their ML and LLM development without breaking the bank.

Published on July 7, 2024

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