
Verify users, businesses, and transactions globally with seamless online identity verification, machine learning-powered fraud prevention, and customizable compliance checks.
Identity Verification Fraud Prevention Regulatory Compliance

Sumsub is an identity verification platform that protects the entire user journey. It includes a range of tools to verify users, businesses and transactions, and to stop fraud. With Sumsub, users can also manage cases and ensure regulatory compliance.

Some of the key features of Sumsub include:

  • User Verification: Verify users anywhere in the world with seamless online identity verification and compliance.
  • Business Verification: Simplify business verification flows to onboard companies faster.
  • Transaction Monitoring: Monitor user transactions to identify suspicious behavior and prevent fraud while staying compliant.
  • Fraud Prevention: Use machine learning (ML) algorithms to stop fraud at every user touchpoint.

Users can orchestrate identity verification checks without coding, placing checks anywhere in the customer journey for the best anti-fraud protection and high pass rates around the world. The platform supports a wide range of integrations, including Unilink, Web and Mobile SDKs, and APIs, so it can be easily integrated with existing infrastructure.

Sumsub serves fintech, transportation, crypto, trading, marketplaces, and iGaming companies. According to a Forrester Consulting study, companies using Sumsub's verification platform can expect a 240% return on investment (ROI) and payback period of less than six months.

The platform is highly customizable, allowing users to verify documents and individuals around the world using its AI-based OCR technology. Non-document verification is also available in several countries, making onboarding faster and more accessible.

Sumsub's pricing model is flexible, with costs varying depending on the type of verification and the complexity of the checks required. Users can expect to pay as little as $0.05 per verification and up to custom pricing for multi-level checks.

Sumsub has a strong reputation from over 2000 clients, who have seen a significant increase in verification speed and pass rates. Its user-friendly interface, robust security features, and scalability make it a trusted choice for businesses looking for a comprehensive identity verification solution.

Published on June 30, 2024

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