
Access real-time, structured search engine data from multiple sources, including Google, with proxy and captcha handling, for seamless integration into your application.
Search Engine Data API Integration Real-Time Data Parsing

SerpApi also offers a real-time API for Google search results, handling proxies, captchas and parsing rich structured data to give developers useful data for their own projects. The service can be used with other search engines besides Google, including Google Maps, Jobs, Shopping, Images, News, Local, Trends, Autocomplete and more.

Among its features:

  • Google Search Results: Get access to organic and local search results from various search engines.
  • Real-Time Parsing: Structured data is parsed in real-time so you can easily use the data in your application.
  • Proxy and Captcha Handling: SerpApi handles proxies and solves captchas so you don't have to.
  • Multiple APIs: Multiple APIs available including Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo! and more.
  • Advanced Features: X-Ray and Ludicrous Speed features for better performance.
  • Easy Integrations: Supports integration with various programming languages including JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Java, Python and more.
  • Use Cases: Great for SEO, Local SEO, Background Check Automation, AI Models, News Monitoring and Voice Assistant applications.

Pricing is flexible and scalable:

  • Free: 100 searches per month.
  • Developer: $75 per month for 5,000 searches.
  • Production: $150 per month for 15,000 searches.
  • Big Data: $275 per month for 30,000 searches.
  • Enterprise: Custom-tailored plans with better performance and world-class support, starting at $3,000 per month.

SerpApi is designed to make life easy for developers with transparent pricing, flexible payment options and a simple interface. For businesses and developers who want to tap into search engine data, SerpApi offers insights across multiple search engines.

Published on July 13, 2024

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