
Combines search and AI to extract meaningful insights from data, accelerating time to insight and enabling tailored experiences.
Search AI Platform Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics

Elastic is a comprehensive Search AI Platform designed to accelerate time to insight and build tailored experiences. The platform combines the power of search and artificial intelligence to help businesses extract meaningful insights from their data.

Elastic provides a variety of solutions for search, security, and observability. Some of the key features include:

  • ELK Stack: A collection of tools for search, analytics, data ingestion and visualization through Kibana, Elasticsearch and integrations.
  • Elastic Cloud: Real-time insights on your preferred cloud provider, including Elastic Cloud Serverless and Search AI Lake.
  • Generative AI: LLM integration and vector database capabilities for rapid prototyping and deployment.
  • Search: Vector search, relevance and search applications for e-commerce, websites, workplaces and customer support.
  • Security: AI-powered security analytics for threat detection and response, including SIEM and Attack Discovery.
  • Observability: Unified application and infrastructure visibility for proactive issue resolution, including log monitoring, OpenTelemetry and more.

Elastic serves a wide range of industries, including the public sector, financial services, telecommunications, retail and manufacturing. It offers a free trial and flexible pricing models to accommodate different needs. Customers can take advantage of Elastic's extensive resources, community support and training programs to get the most out of their experience.

Elastic is supported by a large community and has achieved strong adoption, with 50% of the Fortune 500 companies using it to accelerate innovation. It provides substantial benefits, such as accelerating business outcomes, reducing risk and improving customer experiences. By integrating Elastic into their workflow, businesses can accelerate data analysis, improve search and overall operational efficiency.

Published on June 30, 2024

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