
Retrieve detailed B2B data on people and companies, including profiles, contact information, and job listings, to build powerful data-driven applications.
B2B Data API Integration Data Enrichment

Proxycurl is an API service for developers who want to build data-driven applications using a wealth of B2B data from sources like LinkedIn, Crunchbase and Twitter. The API lets developers retrieve information about people and companies programmatically, letting them build powerful data-driven applications.

Proxycurl features include:

  • People Data: Get detailed profiles including names, work history, education history, social media presence, job title, location, languages and more.
  • Contact Information: Get personal and work emails, phone numbers and other contact information.
  • Salary Data: Get salary ranges for individuals.
  • Company Data: Get company profiles including funding history, website, company size, industry type, specialities and more.
  • Job Data: Get job listings with job title, description, location and industry information.
  • Customer Data: Get LinkedIn and Twitter profiles, followers and emails for customers.

Proxycurl can be used for a variety of use cases:

  • Job Change Tracking: Track LinkedIn profiles for job changes at scale and target outreach accordingly.
  • Executive Hiring: Find senior marketing candidates across multiple countries.
  • Sales Intelligence: Build prospectors to perform advanced searches on potential customers.
  • Cold Calling Lead Generation: Automate lead generation and lead enrichment by programmatically retrieving contact information.

Proxycurl is designed to ensure legal compliance in obtaining data and offers robust security and compliance features to protect user data.

Pricing for Proxycurl is pay-as-you-go, with no subscription required. The cost of each API endpoint varies, but most requests are one credit. Credits start at $0.009 per request. The rate limit is 300 requests per minute, with a 5-minute window for bursting up to 1500 requests.

Developers can use Proxycurl through a REST API with bearer token authentication. The API documentation details available endpoints, parameters and response formats. Proxycurl offers backward compatibility and notifications for any changes, so you can be sure your integration works and continues to work.

Proxycurl provides flexible and scalable data enrichment capabilities for a variety of use cases, including talent search, sales intelligence and lead generation.

Published on June 13, 2024

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