Onboard Email

Automatically segments customers, optimizes inbox placement, and composes personalized emails for every interaction, driving engagement and conversions.
Customer Management Email Automation Personalized Content Generation

Onboard Email is an AI email platform for customer management that's designed to get your business's messages to every customer's inbox. It integrates with CRMs like Salesforce and Hubspot and uses AI to segment customers and personalize content in every interaction.

Among its features are:

  • AI Segmentation: Automatically segments customers based on attributes like location, industry, and weather.
  • AI-Warmed Email Infrastructure: Optimizes inbox placement and reduces the likelihood of being marked as spam.
  • Personalized Content: Automatically composes emails for every interaction.
  • AI-Generated Landing Pages: Converts customer actions with personalized landing pages for meetings, sign-ups and other actions.

Onboard Email pricing is tiered by the number of customers:

  • Cruising Climb (10,000 customers): $129 per month, including unlimited team seats, 5+ AI-driven mailboxes and one-click landing pages with personalization.
  • Rocket Rise (40,000 customers): $516 per month, including unlimited team seats, 10+ AI-driven mailboxes and one-click landing pages with personalization.
  • Ludicrous Launch (100,000+ customers): $1,032 per month, including unlimited team seats, 20+ AI-driven mailboxes and one-click landing pages with personalization.
  • Custom enterprise plans are available on request.

Onboard Email is geared for businesses that want to improve customer management and communication with AI-powered automation and personalization. With sophisticated AI technology, users can automate their email operations, increase engagement and boost conversions.

Published on June 12, 2024

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