
Delivers fast and hyper-relevant search results in under 50ms, with features like search-as-you-type, filters, and geo-search, for a tailored user experience.
Search Engine Optimization API Integration Customized Search Solutions

Meilisearch is an open-source search engine that's designed to be fast and hyper-relevant. It's designed to fit into any website or app, providing a search experience that's tailored to the user. Meilisearch features include search-as-you-type, results in less than 50 milliseconds, and a plug-and-play installation with smart presets that need no initial configuration.

Meilisearch supports integrations like filters to refine search, language detection and custom relevancy. It also comes with security options like API keys and tenant tokens that let you restrict who can search what. It's got geo-search abilities, too, so it's ready for the real world.

Developers will like Meilisearch's self-documenting API and SDKs that let them get to work quickly. The project has a helpful, fast-growing community of contributors, users and people asking questions.

Meilisearch offers flexible pricing tiers to match your needs:

  • Build: Starting at $30 per month, good for small projects and testing, with 50K searches and 100K documents included.
  • Pro: Starting at $300 per month, good for bigger projects and teams, with 250K searches and 1M documents.
  • Custom: A custom plan for businesses with specific needs, with volume-based pricing discounts, premium SLA and SSO.
  • Open Source: A free version you can download and use immediately, with the option to switch to the Cloud at any time.

Meilisearch is particularly well suited for site and app search, where it can improve user retention and satisfaction by always finding what people are looking for. It works on a broad range of platforms and with Docker, so you can deploy it anywhere. With features like typo tolerance, result sorting and high availability, Meilisearch is a good choice for search in many situations.

Published on June 8, 2024

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