If you're looking for a Macroaxis alternative, Pluto is another good option. Pluto is also AI-powered and offers intelligent portfolio management with real-time market data. It can draw insights from more than 40 sources, including Zacks, Motley Fool and Market Watch, and can offer smart summaries and scheduled reminders. Pluto offers two pricing tiers: a free tier with unlimited messages and accounts and a Pro tier for $8/month.
Another good alternative is Investipal, which offers AI-powered creation and management of your own investment portfolio. It includes features like AI Co-Pilot, Investment Inspiration, Portfolio Analytics and Risk-Free Investing. Investipal is geared for both beginners and experienced investors, and offers three pricing tiers: Basic (free), Premium ($24/month) and Advisor (starting at $119/month).
If you're looking for something more advanced, check out RAFA. RAFA offers a collection of AI agents, including Analyst Pro, Options Guru and Strategy Whiz, that offer real-time portfolio alerts, daily investment ideas and detailed risk analysis. It also offers a 14-day free trial and a monthly subscription of $29.99.
Last, Calypso is a general-purpose AI-powered platform that combines public data with more advanced AI abilities. It offers features like company information, AI-powered insights and earnings previews, and can be used by individual investors as well as professionals like hedge funds and investment bankers. Calypso offers tiered pricing, including a Basic plan at $10/month and a Professional plan at $120/month.