
Combines public data and AI insights to provide a comprehensive equity research platform, replacing teams of analysts with AI-driven decision-making support.
Equity Research Algorithmic Trading Financial Forecasting

Calypso is an AI-powered platform that helps you track and analyze public equities. It combines public data with AI capabilities and training from buy-side professionals to give you a powerful tool for equity research. By integrating multiple features, Calypso is designed to replace teams of analysts with AI insights.

Calypso includes several key features:

  • Company Details: News, financials, price action, and earnings takeaways in one place.
  • Key Debates: Quotes from earnings debates and recent related news.
  • Personal Dashboard: Close coverage while screening broadly.
  • AI-Powered Insights: AI feedback on theses by searching through public financials for disconfirming and supportive evidence.
  • AI Chats: Ask questions with AI that sources answers from all public financials and transcripts.
  • Earnings Previews: Previews and updates around earnings events.
  • Integrations: Includes features like Street Theses, Key Financials, Set Ups, Headlines, and Custom Notes to support well-rounded decision-making.

Calypso is designed for a variety of use cases:

  • Equity Research: Distill key debates and drivers for equity names.
  • Hedge Funds: Track theses and coverage, with AI support for disconfirming evidence.
  • Options Traders: Notifications about upcoming volatility events.
  • Investment Banking: Ramp up on new names quickly with AI-driven insights.
  • Individual Investors: Supplement research with AI-powered Wall Street pulse technology.

Calypso is priced on a tiered system:

  • Basic: $10/month, includes 20 AI Opinions and 20 AI Chats per day.
  • Professional: $120/month, includes higher rate limits, live support, and faster feature requests.

By combining advanced AI capabilities with training from real-world investing case studies, Calypso aims to improve the equity research and decision-making process for users. Check out their website to learn more and get started.

Published on July 4, 2024

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