
Streamline B2B prospecting with a vast database of 275+ million verified leads, AI-powered email personalization, and scalable email sending capabilities.
Lead Generation Sales Automation Email Marketing Automation

Luna is an all-in-one B2B prospecting platform for lean sales teams. It's designed to streamline the process of finding and attracting new customers by offering a suite of tools for generating leads, sending emails and managing tasks.

Luna has a large database of more than 275 million verified leads so you can connect directly with potential customers. The platform also includes an email finder and verifier that can scrape contact information and find email addresses in about 80% of cases without needing LinkedIn Sales Navigator. And Luna's AI technology can personalize emails at scale by analyzing prospects' websites and social profiles.

Among Luna's features are:

  • Database of 275 million+ verified leads: Connect directly to a large pool of potential customers.
  • Email finder and verifier: Scrape contact information and find email addresses in about 80% of cases without LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
  • Personalization at scale: Send personalized emails based on prospect data.
  • Unlimited email accounts: Send emails without running into email client limits.
  • Integrations: Connect to popular CRM tools like Salesforce, Hubspot and Pipedrive.
  • Task management: Manage tasks and stay on track with built-in task management.
  • Best-in-class email deliverability: Get emails in inboxes instead of spam folders.

Luna offers several pricing tiers to suit different business needs:

  • Free: $0/month, 100 emails, 275+ million leads available
  • Starter: $360/month, 1,000 emails, 275+ million leads available
  • Starter Plus: $825/month, 2,500 emails, 275+ million leads available
  • Premium: $1,500/month, 5,000 emails, 275+ million leads available
  • Ultimate: $2,500/month, 10,000 emails, 275+ million leads available

Annual plans are available at discounted rates.

Luna's customer stories show how the company's technology can be used to schedule meetings on autopilot. Small businesses can use Luna to quickly and easily schedule meetings, making it a good option for sales teams.

Published on June 14, 2024

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