
Runs AI locally on your device, ensuring private and secure organization of files, notes, and tasks, with no risk of data breaches or leaks.
Artificial Intelligence Data Privacy Desktop Productivity

Klee is a local and private AI desktop app that helps you organize your files, notes and tasks while keeping your data completely private and secure. By running AI directly on your desktop, Klee ensures that all processing happens on your device, so there's no risk of data breaches or leaks.

Klee is built as a native macOS app written in Swift and SwiftUI for a fast and lightweight experience. The app taps into the power of open-source AI models like Llama 3 and Mistral to provide a rich set of features.

Some of the key features of Klee include:

  • RAG on Device: Searches, indexes, and displays files locally so you never have to worry about losing your knowledge base.
  • Bi-Directional Linked Notes: Turns note-taking into a brainstorming and output tool (in development).
  • Truly Private Knowledge Base: Runs RAG locally, so all data is private and secure.
  • Open Source Large Language Models: Leverages models like Llama 3 and Mistral to provide a powerful response engine.

Klee's RAG process runs locally, processing data, preparing it, and indexing it so the large language model can generate responses. This approach keeps sensitive data local while still leveraging the power of AI.

Klee offers a variety of pricing tiers to accommodate different users:

  • Individual Users: Lifetime free access, unlimited AI model dialogues, note-taking, and knowledge base entries.
  • Small Business: Great for small to medium-sized businesses with features like team-shared knowledge bases and admin/user roles.
  • Enterprise: Great for large businesses with custom AI model training and deployment, as well as team collaboration features.

With Klee, all data processing happens locally and securely, providing a trusted way to organize files, notes and tasks while keeping your data completely private and under your control.

Published on July 27, 2024

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