
Finds answers from both online sources and personal data, integrating with various file formats, and enabling hands-free interaction through speech-to-text technology.
AI-powered Search Knowledge Management Personal AI Assistants

Khoj is an open-source AI copilot that's designed to work in concert with your existing knowledge base. The tool searches for answers without you having to dig through search results or your own notes, so you can focus on your work.

Khoj can handle a variety of file formats, including PDFs, markdown, plaintext, GitHub and Notion, with more on the way. You can link files directly from your computer using the desktop app, and they'll be automatically synced. The tool searches the internet on your behalf, using the latest information available online to provide answers without forcing you to open a new tab or use a different device.

One interesting feature of Khoj is the ability to understand voice commands through speech-to-text technology. This means you can use Khoj hands-free, which can be useful for people who want to use the tool in a more conversational way. Students can pay less for a subscription, which could make Khoj more appealing to academics.

Khoj runs on multiple platforms, including desktop apps for Mac, Windows and Linux, as well as integrations with tools like Emacs, Obsidian and WhatsApp. That means you can use the tool within your existing workflow.

Among Khoj's features:

  • AI-driven search: Finds answers from both online sources and personal data.
  • Multi-file support: Integrates with various file formats.
  • Speech-to-text: Enables hands-free interaction.
  • Native desktop apps: Available for multiple operating systems.
  • Custom AI agents: Offers extra help for specific tasks.

Here are the pricing tiers:

  • Human: $0/month, with text-based AI chat, up to 10 MB of data storage, and 5 queries per day.
  • Explorer: $10/month (special pricing for students and academics), with the same features as the Futurist plan.
  • Futurist: $30/month, with real-time internet awareness, multi-modal interaction (voice, image), and unlimited queries per day.

Khoj is fully open-source, which means you can customize and run the tool on your own machine. You can switch between offline and online chat modes, run Khoj on air-gapped machines, and change the code or configuration if you want. That level of transparency and flexibility makes Khoj useful for people who want a personal AI assistant.

Published on June 14, 2024

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