
Automatically turns YouTube videos into viral short-form clips with engaging captions, reframed to spotlight key elements, in 52 languages.
Video Editing AI-powered Content Creation Social Media Optimization

Klap is an AI-powered platform that lets you turn your YouTube videos into viral short-form clips with a click. The company's technology spots the most interesting moments in a video, trims them into engaging clips, automatically reframes them to spotlight the most important elements, and adds dynamic captions to keep people watching.

Klap works with a variety of videos, including talking videos like podcasts, interviews, educational videos and product reviews. The algorithm is tuned to work best with speech, producing clips that are likely to appeal to the audience you're trying to reach. The service works in 52 languages so people with different backgrounds can use it.

Among Klap's features:

  • AI Editing: Automatically pulls the most interesting moments out of a video and trims them into short clips.
  • Auto Reframing: Automatically reframes video to spotlight the most important elements, like faces.
  • Engaging Captions: Automatically adds dynamic captions to keep people watching.
  • Customization: Lets you control every element of your videos, including frames, fonts and colors.

Klap offers a free trial video, but after that, you can pay for Klap Pro starting at $29 per month. That should be within reach of individuals and businesses that want to boost their online presence without a lot of extra work. With Klap, you can quickly turn long videos into viral shorts that'll reach people on multiple platforms.

Published on June 14, 2024

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