
Create and share personalized AI assistants trained on your notes, enabling conversational interactions with your own knowledge and expertise.
Artificial Intelligence Personalized Learning Content Creation Intelligent Customer Service Knowledge Management

With Kaya, people can create and share their own AI trained on their notes, a new way to capture and interact with their own thoughts and expertise. Through continuous training on user input, Kaya's AI becomes a personalized assistant that can answer questions, offer insights and even help with learning.

Kaya's main interface is the notes and the AI's ability to comprehend and learn from the user's content. People can write anything, from long essays to passing thoughts, and the AI learns as they type. That means people can interact with their own knowledge in a more conversational way, for example by talking to their own AI.

Some examples of what Kaya can be used for include personalized learning, where teachers can create AI-powered chatbots for one-on-one tutoring, and content creation, where interactive stories and quizzes can be created. Kaya also can be used to build intelligent customer service agents.

One interesting option is the ability to publish a user's AI at a custom domain, so others can use it directly. That opens up new possibilities for sharing knowledge in a more engaging and interactive way.

Kaya provides a simple, easy-to-use interface for people to tap into AI in their lives, making it available to anyone who wants to improve their learning, content creation or customer service.

Published on June 13, 2024

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