
Provides accurate and reliable transit data, enabling cities and agencies to make informed decisions and optimize network performance for millions of passengers daily.
Public Transportation Management Transit Data Analytics Urban Mobility Planning

Ito also offers transit intelligence solutions to help cities and regions manage their public transportation data. The company's platform serves millions of passengers daily in 110 cities and metro areas on five continents and more than 1,000 transit agencies and authorities.

Ito's main features include:

  • Intelligent Data Services and Analytics: Offers transit data that's accurate and reliable, so cities and transit agencies can make informed decisions and passengers can get where they need to go.
  • Data Aggregation and Quality Enhancement: Collects data from multiple sources into one feed, then uses sophisticated algorithms to ensure consistency and reliability.
  • Network Management and Service Optimisation: Aggregates data from multiple sources to understand network performance, passenger information and vehicle location.
  • Data Analysis and Insights: Offers detailed insights into network performance, contract management, corridor optimization and historical data for schedule optimization.
  • Transit Data Management: Enables innovation through open data exchange, including public transit APIs and data feeds, to create a single data source for all modes of transportation.

Ito has experience managing transit data challenges for cities and regions around the world, and it's a trusted partner for government agencies, public transit operators and Mobility as a Service providers. By using Ito, these organizations can improve the quality of transit data, passenger experience and urban mobility planning.

For more, see the Ito website.

Published on August 11, 2024

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