Exit Bee

Exit Bee's machine learning technology shows ads when users are most engaged, boosting performance.
Ad Targeting Behavioral Analysis Display Advertising Optimization

Exit Bee rethinks traditional display ads with behavioral technology and machine learning to identify when users are distracted from website content and to show ads when they're most likely to be engaged. The company's platform offers premium ad inventory and promises tens of times the performance of traditional display ads.

Using pattern recognition technology, Exit Bee can pinpoint moments when users are most likely to be receptive to an ad campaign, resulting in higher viewability and click-through rates. This means publishers can generate new revenue without disrupting engaged users.

Exit Bee's features include:

  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: Identifies when users are distracted from website content and predicts the best time to show ads.
  • High-Performing Ads: Aims to deliver 20x higher CTR compared to traditional banner ads.
  • Customizable Data Access: Users can choose their level of data access and duration, ensuring they have control over their privacy and transparency.

Exit Bee serves both advertisers and publishers, providing solutions that can:

  • Stand Out: Reach users when they're most likely to be receptive to your message for better engagement.
  • Maximize Potential: Add a new revenue stream without disrupting users, promoting content, driving subscriptions, and more.

Users can choose from three levels of data access: Silver, Gold and Platinum, which govern how their data is accessed and shared with third parties. This ensures transparency and control over personal data. The platform also includes a consent management system that allows users to set their preferences for basic operations, content personalization, site optimization and ad personalization.

If you're looking to boost your display advertising, Exit Bee is a useful option to improve performance and revenue without harming the user experience. Check out their website to learn more and see how their technology can help your advertising.

Published on July 2, 2024

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