Elastic Email

Combines AI with core tools to personalize and optimize email campaigns, ensuring they reach subscribers' inboxes faster and with higher deliverability rates.
Email Marketing Automation AI-powered Campaign Optimization Customer Segmentation

Elastic Email is a full-fledged email marketing and delivery platform that combines AI with core tools to get the most out of your email campaigns. With a reliable and affordable delivery engine, Elastic Email lets you personalize and optimize your emails to subscribers, so they get to their inbox faster.

Some of the key features include:

  • Email Designer: A modern drag-and-drop editor and a reliable HTML editor for beautiful emails.
  • Campaign Creator: A tool to create email campaigns manually or automate workflows.
  • Contact Management: Personalize emails with audience data and track results.
  • Email API: Send emails from your website or app using SMTP or RESTful API.
  • Inbound Email Routing: Route incoming emails efficiently.
  • Real-time Delivery Monitoring: See emails as they arrive in recipients' inboxes.
  • Unsubscribe Insights: See why subscribers unsubscribe to optimize future campaigns.
  • A/B Testing: Compare and optimize different email variations for better results.
  • Email Automations: Create fully automated campaigns based on audience behavior.
  • Custom Fields and Segmentation: Organize contacts for targeted communication.
  • Subscription Forms and Popups: Grow your audience with web forms and timed popups.
  • Landing Pages: Create and customize landing pages without coding knowledge.

Elastic Email pricing is based on the number of contacts and emails you send per month. The Starter plan costs $29 per month for up to 2,500 contacts and up to 37,500 emails, while the Pro plan starts at $49 per month with the same limits. Dedicated support, private IPs and other features and add-ons are available at an extra cost.

Elastic Email is geared for small businesses and entrepreneurs, with high deliverability rates and flexible pricing. Customers like the user-friendly interface, advanced features like AI-powered editing, and responsive customer support. With Elastic Email, you can grow your email marketing efforts and engage with your audience better.

Published on June 26, 2024

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