If you're looking for a DailyBot replacement, Happily is another good option. This AI-powered culture platform is designed to increase employee sentiment and create a positive, engaged culture. It provides real-time data and insights on daily habits, peer feedback, recognition and emotional intelligence development. It also includes daily check-ins, team-building activities and rewards that can boost engagement and productivity.
Another good option is GoProfiles, an AI-powered people platform that helps distributed teams connect in meaningful ways. It combines employee directories with peer recognition tools, AI-powered search and chat. The platform includes features like global team visualization, org charts and auto-populated records, and integrates with popular chat tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams and Google Chat. GoProfiles is designed to help combat disengagement and isolation among remote employees and create a positive culture through employee analytics and rewards.
If you're looking for a more general-purpose employee engagement tool, check out Triibe. The app is designed to help companies create a culture of connection with a dynamic news feed, recognitions, feedback and wellness tracking. It also includes analytics dashboards and AI chatbot support. Plans range from a free trial to a premium plan, and Triibe prioritizes data security and support so teams can communicate and engage with each other more easily.