
Build custom ChatGPT chatbots for your website, trained on your data, to provide instant and accurate responses, boosting engagement and user satisfaction.
Chatbot Development Customer Service Automation Artificial Intelligence Solutions

With Craftman, you can build your own custom ChatGPT chatbots for your website to build a stronger connection with your customers and offer better support. The chatbots are trained on your own data and can respond immediately and accurately to user requests. By adding a chat widget to your website, you can ensure that visitors get fast help and support, which can boost engagement and overall user satisfaction.

Craftman is designed to make it easy to get AI chatbots on your website. You can upload your data -- either by entering your website address or uploading a PDF file -- then start training the chatbot. It's a simple process that doesn't require any technical expertise.

Some of the key benefits of Craftman include:

  • Instant Responses: Chatbots respond immediately to user requests, so no one has to wait for help.
  • Better Interaction: High-quality responses make it easy and fun to interact with visitors on your website.
  • Growth in Revenue: Happy visitors are more likely to become customers, resulting in increased sales and stronger customer relationships.
  • Easy to Use: Simple interface makes it easy to use AI without having to be an expert.
  • Instant Feedback Collection: Collect feedback to understand user needs and continuously improve.
  • Feature Requests: Let users request features, so you can build a product that users love.

Craftman can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Customer Support: Chatbots can talk directly to visitors and customers, making them happy and helping you out.
  • Bot for Sales: Salesbots can answer questions and help people buy your products 24/7.
  • Wiki: Turn your website into a smart library where users can learn easily with a Wiki chatbot.

Craftman pricing tiers are as follows:

  • Pioneer: $29/mo (usually $24/mo), with 2,000 messages per month, 1 chatbot, and 1,000,000 characters.
  • Pro: $79/mo (usually $66/mo), with 10,000 messages per month, 10 chatbots, 10,000,000 characters, and features like feedback and integrations.
  • Legend: $149/mo (usually $124/mo), with 20,000 messages per month, unlimited chatbots, 10,000,000 characters, and features like GPT-4 and integrations.

Craftman offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for all plans.

By adding Craftman to your website, you can create a more engaging and supportive experience for your visitors. Check out the Craftman website to learn more about how to add these AI chatbots and improve your customer experience.

Published on June 14, 2024

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