
Proactively blocks malicious websites and phishing attempts with advanced AI algorithms, providing real-time threat analysis and robust defense against evolving web-based threats.
Cybersecurity Browser Security Phishing Protection

Conceal is a browser security technology that protects people from web-based threats like phishing, ransomware and malware. Using AI technology, Conceal is a lightweight browser extension that transforms any browser into a zero-trust environment.

ConcealBrowse uses advanced AI algorithms to proactively identify and block malicious websites, thwarting cyber attacks that take advantage of human weaknesses through phishing and credential theft. Its AI engine continuously monitors and analyzes threats in real-time, providing a robust defense against the ever-changing web-based threats. This proactive approach means Conceal can stop threats before they reach the edge and compromise defenses.

Some of the key benefits of Conceal include:

  • Better Protection Against Phishing & Social Engineering: Blocks phishing links and thwarts social engineering attempts.
  • Advanced Phishing Detection: Keeps pace with fast-moving, ever-changing cyber threats.
  • AI-Powered Real-Time Threat Analysis: Stops cyber threats early, reducing risks of data breaches and cyber extortion.
  • Privacy-Respecting and Lightweight: Does not upload sensitive browsing data.

Conceal is particularly useful for IT and security teams, as it offers a powerful tool to address the massive risks posed by phishing and social engineering attacks that exploit employee weaknesses. It also offers value to service providers, CIOs and CISOs by making it easier to monitor and manage IT assets at the edge, without adding complexity to security operations, and by reducing the number of alerts coming from the edge.

ConcealBrowse offers benefits to users by providing a way to ensure employee comfort and confidence while using the web for work, while reducing risk across the organization. It also helps to educate users about the risks of phishing and malicious websites, helping to raise cybersecurity awareness.

Pricing details are not disclosed, but ConcealBrowse is designed to be a low-cost subscription model for small and medium-sized businesses. For MSPs and MSSPs, Conceal offers a new way to generate revenue and deliver innovative cybersecurity solutions.

Overall, Conceal is a browser security technology that offers real-time protection against web-based threats, making it a great option for organizations looking for a robust cybersecurity solution.

Published on June 26, 2024

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