
Automate customer retention with personalized cancel flows, failed payment recovery, and reactivation campaigns, reducing churn and increasing revenue.
Customer Retention Subscription Management Revenue Growth Optimization

Churnkey helps businesses supercharge customer retention and business growth by handling cancellations, recovering failed payments and steering product development. It can personalize cancel flows, recover payments with sophisticated payment recovery and send reactivation campaigns to keep customers happy and reduce churn.

For businesses trying to keep more customers, Churnkey offers:

  • Personalized Cancel Flows: Cut cancellations by up to 54% with custom cancel flows.
  • Failed Payment Recovery: Recover up to 89% of failed payments with targeted campaigns and dunning offers.
  • Reactivation Campaigns: Win back up to 34% of former customers with timed and personalized offers.
  • Customer Health Analysis: See at-risk customers and forecast monthly revenue.
  • Insights AI: Analyze customer feedback to improve retention and product development.

Churnkey is geared for product-led growth SaaS companies. Its service is designed to be easy to use and managed, so you don't have to be a tech expert. Among other advantages:

  • Cutting cancellations by up to 54%
  • Recovering up to 89% of failed payments
  • Increasing monthly recurring revenue by 14%
  • Increasing customer lifetime value by 28%
  • Increasing expansion revenue by 9%

Churnkey integrates with billing providers including Stripe, Paddle and Braintree. The service is GDPR compliant and has a SOC-2 Type I security classification. You can schedule a demo to see how Churnkey can help your subscription business.

Published on July 3, 2024

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