Chegg Skills

Develops durable skills in areas like tech, data analytics, and cybersecurity with AI-driven, personalized mentorship and real-world projects, improving employee retention and productivity.
Employee Development AI-powered Learning Workforce Upskilling

Chegg Skills is a strategic solution for companies to develop their people's skills, focusing on the skills that matter most, at the right time, with the help of industry experts and AI. The platform is designed to address the skills gap that 87% of employers face today or will face in the next few years. With AI and technology, Chegg Skills helps companies improve employee retention, productivity, and job satisfaction while lowering costs and increasing the return on investment of learning programs.

The program includes a variety of training options designed to develop durable skills in areas like technology, data analytics, cybersecurity, and business. The learning experiences are designed to help learners master skills and are endorsed by Forbes. Some of the skills covered include full stack web development, UX/UI design, data science, AI for business professionals, digital marketing, and technical project management.

Chegg Skills combines real-world projects, personalized mentorship and detailed reporting to create a flexible and cohort-based learning environment. The online learning experience is self-paced with 1-1 mentorship and human-led support. This allows teams to upskill and achieve their full potential, regardless of where they start.

The results of Chegg Skills are clear. According to Chegg's 2023 Impact Report, 71% of graduates reported they were well-prepared to work in their new field, and 76% reported higher earnings six months after graduation. Employers reported cost savings and financial returns of about $2.03 for every $1 invested in the program. And 63% of learners were people of color, and 28% were first-generation students, ensuring that the career benefits are broad.

Chegg Skills publishes annual reports to provide transparent data for employers and learners, making it a compelling option for companies looking to upskill and reskill their workforce. By using AI responsibly and aligning AI strategy to success, Chegg Skills helps employers stay ahead of the ever-accelerating pace of AI and technology.

Published on July 8, 2024

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