Cheetah Mobile

Provides personalized content and AI-powered solutions for businesses, including large language models, robot solutions, and customized AI services.
Artificial Intelligence Cloud Management Digital Transformation

Cheetah Mobile is a mobile internet company that is dedicated to making the world smarter by providing users with personalized content powered by artificial intelligence. The company has a range of products and services across four business segments: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Management, International Advertising, and Application.

Cheetah Mobile's Artificial Intelligence Business, called OrionStar, offers AI large language models and software and hardware robot solutions. The company provides customized AI services and corporate consulting through its suites, including Boss assistants and digital employees. Its large language model robots are designed to be highly interactive and effective.

In the Cloud Management segment, Cheetah Mobile offers Cloudminos, a multi-cloud management service that helps businesses achieve digital transformation. Cloudminos offers a cloud-native management platform and a high-performance data framework, helping customers succeed in their cloud journey.

Cheetah Mobile is also deeply involved in international advertising, acting as a trusted partner for Chinese companies looking to expand their marketing efforts beyond China. The company offers services for e-commerce, gaming and brand promotions in other countries.

The Application segment includes utility apps, games and live broadcasts. Two of the most popular utility apps are Clean Master and Security Master, both of which have received high ratings and have been downloaded millions of times. Clean Master has a "cloud + AI" deep cleaning system, while Security Master has intelligent threat detection and app lock features.

Cheetah Mobile's AI solutions also apply to retail and service industries. For example, its Robot Interactive Marketing Network is designed for shopping malls, where robots can interact with customers, show advertisements and offer location-based coupons. The robots use voice interaction and AI technology to create a memorable consumer experience.

The company also offers a variety of smart service robots, including HomeBot, GreetBot and EngageBot, each designed for different situations like home environments, hotels and retail environments. The robots can greet guests, offer guided tours and help with shopping.

In addition, Cheetah Mobile offers a variety of delivery robots, including Max for high-volume delivery and Sky for hotel delivery. The robots can optimize delivery routes and interact with customers.

For the hospitality industry, the company offers the Robotic Coffee Master, a humanoid robot barista that can brew coffee to perfection. Cheetah Mobile also offers voice service robots like the Cheetah Voice Assistant, which can handle user calls and answer questions naturally.

Overall, Cheetah Mobile's broad range of products and AI capabilities are designed to have a profound impact on many industries, improving user experiences and business efficiency.

Published on June 24, 2024

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