
Amplify mobile marketing with AI-enhanced optimization, dynamic deep linking, and no-code implementation to drive triple-digit revenue growth and improve user experiences.
Mobile Marketing Optimization Artificial Intelligence for E-commerce Affiliate Marketing Solutions

Button gives brands the power to amplify their mobile marketing and advertising efforts with identity, deep linking and machine learning technology. By solving the complex problem of mobile link permutations, Button optimizes user journeys, fixes broken tracking and dynamically deep links into apps to drive revenue.

Button optimizes commerce for affiliate, creator and social traffic, delivering triple-digit revenue growth while improving post-tap experiences for users. Using artificial intelligence, Button proactively optimizes post-tap experiences to pinpoint where user journeys are breaking or tracking is failing and steers traffic to more profitable user journeys.

Some of the key features include:

  • AI-Enhanced Optimization: Identifies areas of broken user experiences and lost tracking, steering traffic to more profitable paths to purchase.
  • Deep Linking: Dynamically deep links into apps, providing a seamless post-tap shopping experience.
  • No Code Implementation: Easy to integrate with no code required.
  • Better Insights and Attribution: Greater visibility and attribution into shopper behavior.
  • Privacy First Approach: Ensures compliance with user privacy through patent-pending Private App solutions.

Button helps users on a variety of platforms, including:

  • Publishers: Increase affiliate revenue up to 50% and improve shopping experiences.
  • Retailers: Capture revenue lost to broken mobile deep linking and in-app attribution, with sustained 100% growth.
  • Creators: Optimize social traffic, unlocking triple-digit growth in revenue per click.

Pricing and implementation details are available upon request. Button offers a simple onboarding process and integrates with major affiliate networks, making it easy to get up and running and start seeing revenue growth.

Published on June 24, 2024

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