Better Lyrics

Enhance your YouTube Music experience with time-synced lyrics, real-time translations, and instant song navigation, all without setup or performance lag.
Music Technology Lyrics Analysis Language Translation

Better Lyrics is a browser extension that can improve your YouTube Music experience with time-synced lyrics, real-time translations and more. The tool is designed to make listening to your favorite songs more engaging and interactive.

Better Lyrics has several key features:

  • Zero Config: No setup is needed. Just install and go.
  • Time-synced Lyrics: See lyrics that are in sync with the song's timing.
  • Seek: Click on a line of the lyrics to jump to that part of the song.
  • Multiple Languages: See lyrics in many languages so you can understand the song.
  • Lightweight: The extension is designed to be lightweight so it doesn't slow down your browser.
  • Translations: See real-time translations of lyrics you don't understand.

Reviews from users show that Better Lyrics is a useful tool, with people commenting on how easy it is to use and how much it improves their YouTube Music experience.

Published on June 14, 2024

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