Almeta ML

Predicts customer actions, such as conversion, purchase, and churn, to inform targeted marketing and retention efforts, improving revenue and customer experience.
Predictive Analytics Customer Behavior Analysis Personalization Lead Scoring Marketing Optimization

Almeta ML is an AI-powered tool designed to help businesses get more value out of their marketing budget by predicting what customers are likely to do on their website. The tool uses machine learning to offer a range of metrics to help businesses figure out which customers are most likely to convert, purchase, churn or take another desired action. The system offers a variety of predictive metrics, including likelihood to take an action, product recommendations, best time to contact, and more.

Predictive analysis is used to determine the likelihood of user actions so businesses can better target customer retention efforts. It does this by analyzing user behavior data to predict propensity to purchase, churn, watch videos, complete courses, read articles or take other actions. The service also can be used to offer personalized product and service recommendations based on user behavior, providing a better customer experience with real-time, personalized suggestions.

Almeta ML also can be used for lead scoring and lead prioritization, helping sales teams focus on the most promising leads. Users can run pre-built or custom machine learning models, using a combination of server-side and in-browser calculations. This allows for real-time scoring and personalization.

Almeta ML can be integrated with a variety of advertising platforms, email providers, ecommerce services and customer data platforms, making it useful for a wide range of business use cases. For example, users can create ML-based audiences in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads and other platforms, so they can optimize ad spend for the users most likely to convert.

The pricing is based on the number of events tracked and the number of model calculations run. A free tier is available, with 5,000 model calculations and 10,000 events per month, along with 30 days of data storage. The Standard plan costs $99 per month, billed annually, and includes 50,000 model calculations, 1,000,000 events and 60 days of data storage. The Enterprise plan has custom pricing for larger-scale machine learning needs, including hosted and on-premise options.

Almeta ML places a priority on user privacy, not tracking user behavior by default and letting customers decide what events and customer data to store. The platform doesn't use cookies by default and doesn't collect personal information unless the customer explicitly tells it to.

Almeta ML is designed to help businesses make data-driven decisions, using machine learning to boost revenue and optimize marketing efforts.

Published on July 12, 2024

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