Agentic Labs

Automates technical design, generating documents in seconds, and collaborates with developers in real-time to build new features without incurring technical debt.
Technical Design Automation Collaborative Development Tools AI-powered Software Development

Agentic Labs also has an AI-powered editor that's designed to make technical design easier and better for software development. The tool can build new features without incurring technical debt by automating some of the design process.

Agentic Labs integrates directly with your codebase, generating a design document in seconds based on your goals. An AI thought partner helps you flesh out details and explore different options, helping you have more confidence in your approach. Real-time commenting and collaboration means teams can work together easily.

Some of the key features include:

  • AI-generated design documents: Create documents in seconds based on project goals.
  • Collaborative editing: Share and comment on documents in real-time.
  • Risk highlighting: See where more clarity is needed.
  • AI chat: Ask for explanations of design decisions or explore different options.
  • In-line refinement: Change steps to steer the design process.

Agentic Labs' goal is to bring AI to the development process, letting software systems grow, adapt and evolve. By making technical design easier, engineers can think through the best approach quickly before they start writing code.

Published on June 12, 2024

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