
Rapidly screens and scans deals from 30+ online sources and incoming pitch decks to find matches with an investor's thesis, accelerating decision-making.
Deal Sourcing AI-powered Investing Venture Capital Management

Accorata is an AI-powered deal sourcing platform for early-stage investors. It searches for startups that fit an investor's thesis from a variety of online sources and from incoming pitch decks to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

Accorata is designed to help early-stage investors who often struggle to find deals in a crowded market. With AI technology, it rapidly screens and scans deals to find ones that match an investor's thesis so they can make decisions faster. Among its features:

  • Deal Sourcing: Accorata aggregates data from more than 30 online sources to offer a comprehensive list of pre-seed and seed startups worldwide.
  • Integrated Deck Processor: Accorata integrates with your inbox to screen and prioritize incoming pitch decks.
  • AI-Boosted Founder Due Diligence: It evaluates founders' digital presence for a deeper assessment.
  • Sovereign Technology: The service is built to meet the most stringent European Data Protection requirements, storing data in Switzerland and Germany.

Accorata offers several pricing tiers to suit different needs:

  • Basic: Processes up to 100 deals per month from your inbox, with unlimited users and standard support.
  • Data-driven VC: Includes unlimited market signals and higher deal processing volume with priority support.
  • Enterprise: For larger teams, with unlimited deck processing and dedicated customer success support.

Accorata is for early-stage investors who want to use AI to speed up their deal sourcing.

Published on June 18, 2024

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