If you need a bot to keep your Telegram group free of spam and other problems, Combot is a good option. It's got a powerful anti-spam system that automatically bans spammers, plus customizable moderation tools and filters. Combot also has features like an analytics dashboard to monitor user activity and scheduled announcements to keep your group active. It's used in more than 190,000 groups and handles millions of messages a day, so it's a good option for large groups.
Another good option is Lasso, an AI-based content moderation service. It can spot and block spam and other problematic content, including text, photos and videos, to keep your group a pleasant place. Lasso's moderation dashboard is customizable, and it can be used with multiple services, so it should work for whatever you need. It can save you a lot of work and keep your group free of bogus messages.
If you want a service that's more geared to protecting your group from spam, Akismet is a good option. It's primarily designed to screen website comments for spam, but its machine learning technology can be used for Telegram group spam, too. It can screen messages in real time and works on multiple services, so it can help keep your group free of spam.