
AI-powered malicious URL detection and dual AV protection prevent phishing attacks, spam, malware, and ransomware, ensuring advanced email security.
Email Security Spam Filtering Phishing Protection

SpamTitan offers a suite of email security and spam filtering tools, including dual AV and AI-powered malicious URL detection to prevent malicious attacks. The tool is designed to protect against phishing attacks, spam, malware and ransomware and offers advanced yet easy-to-use email spam protection.

SpamTitan offers a range of features:

  • AI Phishing Protection: AI-powered anti-phishing solution with zero-day threat protection and intelligence.
  • Managed Service Providers: MSP-friendly email security with multitenancy, MSP monthly pricing model and easy admin.
  • Dual Anti-Virus Protection: Double anti-virus protection for better spam blocking and phishing protection.
  • Allow & Block: Whitelisting and blacklisting with advanced reporting and recipient verification.
  • Microsoft 365 Layer: Better email security for Microsoft 365 users against phishing and malware.
  • Quarantine Reports: Detailed quarantine reports for end-user control and customization.
  • Outbound Scanning: Prevents IP blacklisting and outbound email scanning.
  • Sandboxing: Advanced sandbox security solution for protection against advanced email attacks.

SpamTitan is easy to deploy and manage, with a pricing model starting at about $1 per user per month. This means the solution is available to small and medium-sized businesses, educational institutions and managed service providers. The system is also scalable to accommodate larger organizations and supports multiple domains and users.

For those who want strong email security without high maintenance burdens, SpamTitan has a strong track record, with a 99.9% Spam Catch Rate and a 0.003% false positive rate. The tool is flexible and customizable, making it a good fit for a variety of use cases, from small businesses to large enterprises and managed service providers.

Check the SpamTitan website for a free trial or to learn more about pricing and features.

Published on July 5, 2024

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