
Automates fraud prevention, detecting and blocking fake accounts, bot attacks, and payment fraud in real-time, ensuring a secure and seamless user experience.
Fraud Detection Identity Verification Account Security

Verisoul is an end-to-end, all-in-one platform that detects and prevents fake accounts and fraud. It automates manual processes, consolidates vendors, and stays ahead of fraudulent activity so you can focus on growing your business.

Verisoul detects and prevents a variety of fraud types, including:

  • Repeat Sign-Ups: Prevent users from creating multiple accounts to take advantage of referral and promo offers, or to bypass restrictions.
  • Bot Accounts: Identify and block automated account creation, data scraping, API abuse, card testing, and credential stuffing attacks without CAPTCHAs.
  • Account Sharing: Detect users sharing accounts to bypass seat limits, which can negatively impact revenue.
  • Spam and Scams: Identify fraudulent users, click farms, and content abusers before they negatively impact the user experience.
  • Payment Fraud: Automatically prevent payment fraud and card testing in real-time to preserve chargeback rates and save money from fraud losses.
  • Geo-Blocking: Restrict users from accessing the platform from restricted locations, including VPNs, proxy IPs, and data centers.
  • Account Takeover: Prevent unauthorized access to accounts and secure the platform from takeover attempts.

Verisoul analyzes a wide range of signals to ensure every user is real and unique, including:

  • Device Risk: Analyze hundreds of device features to detect emulators, virtual machines, and risky devices.
  • Proxy & VPN Detection: Run active real-time network tests to detect proxies and VPNs, including new ones.
  • Account Linking: Graphically link accounts based on match strengths derived from browser, device, network, and email data.
  • Device Fingerprinting: Detect accounts from the same device, even across different browsers and incognito modes.
  • Geolocation: Determine the user's true location.
  • Phone Intelligence: Validate phone numbers to ensure they are real, mobile, and low-risk.
  • Email Intelligence: Detect fake and temporary emails, check for work emails, and spot fresh domains.
  • Face Matching: Identify the same face with high accuracy.
  • Bot Detection: Analyze mouse, click, and touch behavior to distinguish bots from humans.

The platform automates decisions, eliminating manual reviews and ad-hoc data analysis. It offers:

  • Automated Decisions: Real-time decisions about account risk allow for automated fake account prevention.
  • Workflows: Craft real-time workflows for blocking fake accounts, adding step-up friction for suspicious users, or sending accounts to a monitor and review list.
  • AI Investigation Analyst: Use AI to investigate users and provide explanations for fake account classifications.
  • Lists & Rules: Create custom lists and rules in real-time workflows to add custom logic on top of Verisoul’s decisions.
  • Data & Signals: Verisoul’s APIs share hundreds of rich datapoints, signals, and features.

Verisoul is easy to integrate, requiring only an application ID and the installation of a script tag or SDK. It supports various industries, including gaming and gambling, social and community platforms, and e-commerce.

Pricing plans cater to different sizes of user bases and include:

  • Starter: $200/month for up to 2,500 monthly active users (MAUs), with unlimited API calls and 24-hour Slack support.
  • Professional: $400/month for up to 15,000 MAUs, with unlimited API calls, unlimited AI Fraud Analyst investigations, and same-day Slack support.
  • Business: $1000/month for up to 50,000 MAUs, with unlimited API calls, unlimited dashboard users, and 6-hour Slack support.
  • Enterprise: Custom plans with SAML SSO, unlimited users, and real-time Slack support.

Verisoul offers a 30-day free trial, allowing users to test the platform without commitment.

Published on June 14, 2024

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