If you're looking for a stock analysis tool that offers buy, sell, and hold advice based on tried and true indicators, VectorVest is a great option. It analyzes more than 16,000 stocks daily and offers its own VST ratings based on its own indicators, which focus on undervalued stocks with strong earnings growth. VectorVest also offers daily stock picks, market timing signals and integration with a variety of trading platforms, so it's good for both beginners and more advanced investors.
Another contender is WallStreetZen, which uses a Zen Score that aggregates 38 due diligence checks to assess a stock's fundamentals and offers analyst advice based on its performance. The service offers a free version and a Premium plan for $19.50 per month, which can help part-time investors make more informed decisions through fundamental analysis.
If you're looking for a more all-purpose service, TradeSmith offers a variety of tools, including automated buy and sell alerts, risk management tools and quantitative analysis. The service is geared for individual investors trying to make more data-driven decisions and offers daily newsletters and cryptocurrency analysis tools, so it's good for investment management and finding growth opportunities.