Knowt is a good choice. It lets you convert notes into flashcards and practice quizzes with multiple-choice and true/false questions. The service covers many subjects, and you get unlimited free use of learn mode, practice quizzes and spaced repetition. You can import Quizlet sets, create flashcards from lecture videos, PDFs and notes, and add images to flashcards and terms. Knowt also has a video summarizer that can turn lecture videos into notes and flashcards, so it's a good all-purpose tool to get more out of your learning.
Another popular service is Quizlet. With 300 million registered users, Quizlet has a lot of tools, including Magic Notes to turn notes into flashcards and practice quizzes. It also has AI-powered Q-Chat for personalized help, Expert Solutions for verified answers, and several study modes like Learn and Test Modes. Quizlet uses learning science techniques like spaced repetition to optimize its tools, so it's a good option for students who want to learn how to learn.
If you're looking for a service that specializes in AI-generated flashcards, you might want to check out Revision AI. The service converts PDFs, video transcripts and textbook PDFs into interactive learning tools with AI. It's got features like AI-search, scheduled flashcards and personalized learning maps designed to help you remember what you need to and study more efficiently. Revision AI is based on scientific research and has been shown to increase test scores by up to 30%.
Last is Wisdolia, another AI-powered tool that generates flashcards and multiple-choice questions from a variety of source materials, including lecture slides and YouTube videos. It offers personalized feedback and lets you export cards to Wisdolia or Anki, so it's a good option for students and teachers who want to get a handle on their own study process.