
Turns complex academic papers into interactive summary flashcards, highlighting key points and supporting various file formats.
Academic Research Tools Document Summarization Research Organization

Scholarcy is an AI-based summarization tool specifically designed for academic papers. It's geared for students, researchers and professionals who need to quickly understand complex documents and to organize their knowledge. It's a package of tools to help you get more out of your research.

Scholarcy can turn a big, complicated document into interactive summary flashcards, with the key points in a document highlighted and support for PDFs, book chapters, articles and plain text. And it's got a bunch of tools to help you with your research:

  • Summarize: Pull out the key points in a document, with a variety of styles to match your reading style.
  • Analyze: Use smart highlighting and analysis tools to find the important parts of a document and understand what they mean.
  • Organize: Create and store flashcards in a personal library so you can keep track of your research.
  • Synthesize: Export flashcards in a variety of formats that work with other research and productivity tools.

Scholarcy has a number of features:

  • Spotlight: Go straight to the key findings, important concepts and contributions.
  • Enhance: Customize summaries to suit your reading style, from a single sentence to a full overview.
  • Note-taking and Highlighting: Take notes while you read and easily refer back to them.
  • Literature Matrix Creation: Create and compare multiple research papers.
  • One-click Bibliographies: Generate formatted bibliographies.

Scholarcy has two pricing tiers:

  • Free: Limited to 3 summaries per day, can import files and use basic summarization tools.
  • Scholarcy Plus: Unlimited summarization, advanced summaries, flashcards that you can save, note-taking and export options. You can pay monthly or annually.

Scholarcy is most useful for students and researchers who need to quickly digest and organize a lot of information. By using AI to automate some of the research process, Scholarcy hopes to free up time and help you understand what you're reading better so academic research is more productive and accessible.

Published on June 11, 2024

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