If you want a music generation platform where you can customize and edit the output, SOUNDRAW is a good option. This AI music creation service lets you create original, royalty-free songs with a few mouse clicks. It's got an easy-to-use interface for editing and customizing music tracks, covering a variety of genres, moods and subjects. SOUNDRAW has flexible pricing options, including an Artist Unlimited plan at $49.99/month, and guarantees that you own the rights to the music you create.
Another good option is AIVA, which lets you generate new songs in more than 250 styles. It's very customizable, letting you create your own style models and upload audio or MIDI files that inspire your music. AIVA also lets you edit tracks and download files in various formats. With three tiers of pricing, including a free option, it's good for beginners and pros.
WavTool is another powerful tool for generating and editing music. It includes tools like a multi-modal music chatbot, MIDI continuation and variation tool, and audio-to-MIDI converter. WavTool supports VST & AU plugins and has a customizable panel-based UI. It gives musicians full rights to their content and comes in three pricing tiers, including a free Basic plan.
If you want high-quality tracks but don't have the technical skills to create them, CassetteAI offers an AI music generation service. It uses machine learning algorithms to generate music based on parameters you set for genre, mood, instrumentation, and other attributes. With unlimited music generation and no claims on ownership by CassetteAI, the service is good for beginners and pros who want to create and share music privately or publicly.