If you need a tool to sell the same product on multiple channels, ListPerfectly is a good contender. It lets you crosspost items to a variety of marketplaces like eBay, Etsy, Depop and others. The service offers unlimited crossposting and listings, as well as bulk actions, inventory management and 24/7 support. ListPerfectly is designed to free up your time by automating some tasks and offering analytics that can help you make business decisions.
Another good option is CedCommerce, which uses AI-powered infrastructure to connect to more than 100 major marketplaces. CedCommerce offers multi-connect account management, real-time data synchronization and one-click bulk upload, so you can manage sales on many channels. The company promises scalability and security with serverless architecture and strong encryption.
Last, DataCaciques offers a suite of tools to manage e-commerce operations on channels like Walmart and eBay. It includes inventory management, pricing and data analysis tools, so it's a good option for sellers large and small. DataCaciques is updated regularly by e-commerce engineers and offers dedicated account managers and customer support.