If you want a platform to create your own math assignments, SnapXam is a good option. It includes a detailed math worksheet generator with more than 10 million possible problems, along with step-by-step solutions and a step checker to help students find where they went wrong. The service covers more than 100 math subjects and works on iOS and Android devices.
Another option is Porosheets, an AI-based service that creates educational materials, including customizable worksheets. It lets teachers concentrate on teaching by automating tasks like lesson planning and offering live customer support. The service works in multiple languages, too, so it can be used in multilingual classrooms.
If you're looking for a more general-purpose question generator, Quizbot is a powerful tool that can generate different types of questions from multiple sources. It can handle different question formats and languages, so it's good for generating practice questions for standardized tests. You can also use it to generate related questions by uploading existing tests, which can be a good way to reuse your own tests.
Last, PrepAI is a full-featured question generator with features like instant quizzes and automated grading. It can handle different types of questions, and it uses Bloom's Taxonomy levels to try to encourage critical thinking. It's designed to be easy to use and efficient, so it can save educators time and resources.