
Automatically generates quizzes with multiple-choice, true or false, and fill-in-the-blank questions from input text, PDF files, or image uploads.
Educational Technology Automated Quiz Generation AI-powered Learning Tools

QuizWhiz is an AI-based tool that can create quizzes based on a given text. It can be used by teachers to create quizzes and exams for students and by students to study more effectively. QuizWhiz accepts input in the form of Input Text, Pdf File upload, or Image uploads of Scans and creates quizzes with multiple-choice, true or false, and fill-in-the-blank questions.

Some of the key features of QuizWhiz include:

  • AI-generated questions and answers: Instant quizzes.
  • Support for multiple input formats: Text, PDF files, and image uploads.
  • Customizable question quantity: Users can control the number of questions generated.

QuizWhiz's pricing plans are simple:

  • Starter: Free, 10 runs, no credit card required.
  • Basic: $9/month, 1000 runs per month.
  • Pro: $18/month, 5000 runs per month.

QuizWhiz is designed to make creating quizzes easy and quick, so you can spend less time and effort. It's great for schools and individuals who need to create quizzes frequently.

Published on June 13, 2024

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