If you need a search engine that understands math, Wolfram|Alpha is a great option. This computational knowledge engine supplies answers and explanations in many subjects, including math, science, technology and more. It can perform tasks like step-by-step solutions, function plotting, statistical calculations and differential equation solving, so it's great for both homework and real-world problems.
Another contender is Moogle, a semantic search engine geared for researchers, mathematicians and students trying to find theorems in the mathlib4 library. Its semantic search technology can quickly locate theorems, which can be useful for people who spend a lot of time delving into mathematical research and learning.
For a more general-purpose search engine, Exa uses embeddings and transformer-based language models to return results that are contextually relevant. Although it's geared more for general web documents, it can accept natural language queries and return authoritative web documents, so it's a good option if you want a search engine that can handle a lot of different material.