If you need a service to search documents by mathematical expressions or chemical structures, Mathpix is a great choice. Mathpix uses sophisticated OCR technology to recognize mathematical equations, chemical diagrams and tables, and convert them into editable and searchable text documents. It can produce a variety of formats, including LaTeX, DOCX and Markdown, and has chemistry OCR for complex chemical structures. That makes it good for students or professionals, with several pricing tiers including an on-premise option for sensitive document processing.
ChatDOC is another AI-powered service that can analyze math formulas and explain them. The system can process a variety of documents, including PDF and DOCX files, and can respond immediately to queries. It can also use GPT-4 for image analysis and can have a multichannel conversation to span multiple documents for a more detailed investigation. That makes it good for students, professionals and businesses.
If you're in biomedicine or life sciences, Nextnet offers a cloud-based service that can be used for semantic search by natural language or keywords. It aggregates and integrates biomedical knowledge from around the world, letting you find connections you might not have spotted and generate hypotheses. That's useful for scientists and researchers trying to speed up discovery and R&D.
Last, Wolfram|Alpha is a powerful computational knowledge engine that can handle a lot of subjects, including advanced math and chemistry. It can solve equations step by step, plot functions and provide data on chemical elements, among other abilities. It's good for academics and for everyday use.