If you're looking for a tool that offers live on-chain values and in-browser code comparison for smart contract analysis, ContractReader is a top pick. This tool supports multiple networks and offers a range of features, including syntax highlighting, testnet support, live on-chain values and in-browser code comparison. It also offers GPT-4 security reviews, which can help you perform a more in-depth security check of your contracts. It's geared for developers and businesses, providing a way to review and manage smart contract code.
Another tool worth considering is Toolblox. Although it's geared more for no-code users, it can be used to create smart contracts and DApps without having to write code. It includes a visual interface for defining asset lifecycles and an AI Assistant for translating business models into smart contracts. Although geared more for non-technical users, it offers a different approach to creating and managing on-chain services.