
Boosts developer productivity with AI-driven coding tools, including code generation, chat, automated testing, and documentation, for efficient development.
Coding Assistance Automated Unit Test Generation Enterprise Resource Planning

CodeComplete is an AI-powered coding assistant built for the enterprise. It's designed to be self-hosted with enterprise-grade functionality and user management to help developers work more efficiently.

CodeComplete offers a range of coding tools to help developers work more efficiently from start to finish. Some of the key tools include:

  • Code Generation: Provides full-function and contextually relevant code suggestions for rapid development.
  • Code Chat: Allows users to ask questions about their code.
  • Automated Unit Test Generation: Automates unit testing to ensure high-quality code.
  • Automated Documentation: Automates documentation to accelerate development.
  • Refactoring & Migrations: Automates refactoring and migration tasks.
  • Customization: Fine-tuned to accommodate specific enterprise needs through retrieval augmented generation (RAG) technology.
  • Secure: Self-hosted options keep code and data safe, either on-premise or in the user's VPC.
  • High-quality training data: Uses permissively-licensed repositories to avoid legal issues.
  • Powerful analytics: Logs data directly into the user's database for visibility into usage and performance.

CodeComplete pricing is tailored to meet individual and enterprise needs:

  • Individual: Offers core features like code completions and chat for individuals.
  • Enterprise: Offers advanced features like automated unit testing, automated documentation, refactoring & migrations, and more. It includes support for self-hosted deployments and fine-tuning to accommodate institutional knowledge. Admin control and multi-channel support are also included for enterprise-level user management and governance.

CodeComplete is for companies looking to take their developer productivity to the next level with modern technology. Its fine-tuned, self-hosted option means data is kept secure and can be customized to meet specific enterprise needs. To learn more and get started, visit the CodeComplete website.

Published on June 9, 2024

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